Pamela Church


Practices that Promote Ease and Connectivity

Here are a sampling of some of the somatic gestures/mudras from my book that you can play with.  It is important to hold for about two minutes to get the vital energy moving, holding longer that that is fine.  Try the gestures and see if you feel any differently in two minutes time.  Feel free to combine them or go to my book for the protocols there.
This is a practice of self care and stress relief management where your hands and focus further well being in a short amount of time.  Be curious and see if the few minutes bring any change.  Is there more peace or pleasure?

Crown Heart Hold
Crown Heart Hold

Crown Heart Hold:  
Hold one hand on the crown of your head and one hand on your heart.  This position says to the body, "I can be with the wisdom of my heart."  In some spiritual traditions, this is about the "awakened heart."
Head-Heart Hold
Head-Heart Hold

Head Heart Hold:  
Hold one hand on the back of your head and one hand on your heart.  This position says to the body, "It is okay to soften and release.  It is ok to rest in the heart."
Gate To Peace
Gate To Peace

Gate to Peace: 
Begin by folding your forearms in front of your chest and then sliding your arms outward until your palms are aligned, facing each other.  Then you alternate tapping with the middle finger just below the wrist crease for about one minute.  This action provides bilateral stimulation of the brain while connecting wit the pericardium meridian, which governs the heart, thus opening the heart and balancing the brain.
Going for Gold
Going for Gold

Going for Gold: 
Going for Gold is a combination gesture with the first part being one hand on the thymus under the collarbone and one hand on the heart.  The second part being both hands on the heart.  It has an intent to find gratitude in the wisdom and spaciousness of the heart.  It is useful as an everyday gesture to center and to open.  It is useful with an intent.  It is useful as a way to begin the day and as a way to end the day.
Wise Brain Mudra
Wise Brain Mudra

Wise Brain Mudra:  
Hold one hand on the forehead and one hand on the crown, connecting the sixth and seventh chakras, pituitary and pineal glands.  This is a way to access deeper seeing and knowing.
Back Again
Back Again

Back Again: 
Back again combines tapping of the thymus and chin to give resiliency and cohesion to the body.  Many people have a strong preference for just having several fingers on the chin instead of tapping.  This is just fine; it works just as well and can be more soothing.  Back Again can both dissolve the feeling of shame and strengthen the feeling of deserving good.
Basic Relief
Basic Relief

Basic Relief:
   Basic Relief combines one hand on the forehead and one hand beneath the nose (on the GV26 point)  to disperse confusion and anxiety and provide centering and balancing when there is too much mental activity.