Pamela Church


Returning To The Heart, Clear and Strong


  • To work with addictive states by addressing the prefrontal cortex.
  • To work with momentary situations where one is triggered or flooding.
  • To generate self compassion and self esteem.
  • To respond to issues where procrastination is part of the pattern.

Two-Minute Simple Balance

1.  Drink Water

2.  Hook up the hemispheres of the brain with Heart Blessing.  With hands crossed over the chest, alternate tapping with each hand.

3.  Rest in the heart for a moment with both hands on the heart.


1. Basic Relief: Hold one hand on the forehead and one hand beneath the nose (at GV 26) for two minutes.

2. Wise Brain Mudra: Hold one hand on the crown and one hand on the forehead for two minutes.

3. Brain Flow Mudra: Hold one hand on the back of the head and one hand on the forehead for two minutes.

4. Head-Heart Hold: Hold one hand on the back of the head and one hand on the heart for two minutes.

5.  Going for Gold:  Place one hand under the collarbone (which corresponds to the thymus) and one hand on the heart for two minutes, and then both hands on the heart for two minutes.


  • Notice the sensations in your body.  Notice if any feelings have changed and, if so, how.