Field Trust Project is 200 epigrams regarding relationship, dreamtime and the mystic revolution of compassion noting compassion as the shadow of our culture.


Link to Fatima Aladdin's review


Link to Publishers Weekly review

A Broad Wing Span


Mystic lover of the world is about me doing my work, you doing your work, all healing the best we can, and meeting up listening to the night sky.  This is claiming the need to be conscious mindful vast.  Field blessing knowing sky and earth as beloved.  The stars concur.  We find our wholeness and something else.

Pamela Church

Acknowledgment for Short Manual 








This is simple math. We feel care for 

the undergoing we are experiencing 

and send compassion to self and one

other person we know or don't know.

We have flat out doubled the             

compassion in that moment. One      

plus one makes the world go round. 









Short Manual on the Big Topics in Psychotherapy: The Brain, the Body, and Attachment

Link to Kirkus review 


We are at a threshold.
It is a time of much established good in the field of psychotherapy. This book, this Short Manual, is a call for a dynamic synthesis, a coming together of attending to the heart, to the body, and to brain states as an ongoing process that furthers the unified self. It is about establishing a heart-mind-body consciousness that includes exploring defenses. Here we have going towards self, towards other, and towards the world with an integrated map of the psyche.


The Harmonize Now: Tools for Integration presented here are for harmonizing well-being. The heart mudras, somatic gestures, and brain visualizations provide an easy vehicle to self-regulate both everyday states and trauma states. These tools support a model of supple wholeness and conscious connection.

HEART BRAIN TRUST® - Working and playing from different angles this whole business of being human and getting to whole enough.


Pamela Church is the creator of Harmonize Now:Tools for Integration and the author of the book GESTURES OF THE HEART, as well as SHORT MANUAL. This work was developed in 2002 as a means to strengthen the nervous system, deepen somatic awareness, and increase heart resonance.  Pamela is currently working on Field Trust Project, a project exploring mysticism.  This work is about the inherent wholeness of the psyche and the day to day struggle that is also inherent.  The ground and sky of being human.


These Tools for Integration address and promote emotional well being, train the brain and generate flourishing using body attention.  The focus of the Tools is about self regulation with neuroplasticity or to say it another way, they are about self healing by creating new neural circuitry with touch and imagination.   They can be used in the clinical office and at home to further heart centered intelligence and whole brain capacity.  

Heart is the command center of the body.
Brain is a complex whole that invites us to weave it all together.  The sum is greater than the parts.
Trust is good as both a noun and a verb.  It is an experience that generates openness and helps us live our dream.
This web site is about:

  • Gestural protocols, that is, tools to work through.
  • Strengthening the neural highways of well being.
  • The creative potential of the body.
  • Belonging to the world.